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    The problem I plan to study is the STD and teen pregnancy rate and ways to prevent them from happening. Teen pregnancy and STD transmission are very important problems that needs to be addressed because we now have many people dying very young because of these infections. We also have people socially dying because they have children while they are still young. Some can’t even take the heat so they drop out of school. A few of my fiends managed to drop out of school during their senior year. This problem is also necessary because these infections and these children are preventing teens from completing school, and getting into college.

     The question I came up with was Why is teen pregnancy and STDs education important in our society, and what will happen if you lack this form of education?” Answering this question will help make things better only if important people read it. The answer to this question will get people thinking and will help people understand the importance in educating themselves on this topic. The answer to this question will decrease the teen pregnancy rate, and will also help youth in Boston think before having sex; it will help prevent the spread of STDs as well. This question needs to be answered thoroughly, for it to make a difference, it need to help people truly understand the importance. It will not only educate people but it will also improve our communities and many different ways.

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