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        First and foremost I’d like to thank my parents for always believing in me and encouraging me to pursue whatever makes me happy. Whenever I feel like giving up on something they’re right there, pushing me to finish. I couldn’t ask for better parents. My best friend, Michael Wells is someone I truly don’t know what I’d do without. Every time I need him, he’s there for me. He’s one of those people who does things expecting nothing in return, and deserves the world because of it. I’d also like to thank my really good friends and partners in crime, Michael Visoni and Martin Rangel for making class bearable on those really exciting days and making me feel better when I wasn’t at my best. A big thank you goes to Ms. Fullon and Mr. McCaffrey for being there throughout this experience and to all of the Social Capital Inc. staff who helped me obtain information on my research question.

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