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          We are all living in our neighborhoods, passing time, and dealing with tons of problems everyday. People don’t know, don’t realize, don’t see, or let’s rather say, most of people don’t care. There is something called being a “bystander”, somebody that by doing nothing and not carrying about anything causes the biggest damage. The nature of the problem I plan to study is the inequality in different neighborhoods that results in so many different possibilities, conditions, and pictures of people’s lives. This shows how one’s neighborhood can be different from the other. It’s a complex problem, which is normal to social issues in our society. Nobody can say that we can change everything, and make the situation better from day one. What we should do for now however, at this moment, without wasting more time, is to address the problem to people. The importance of that matter is very simple:*** If we talk out loud about something that bothers us, ask and dig in for the truth that inspires us, and try to answer the questions and come up with possible solutions, we can make progress that may not end up on you, but continue for the next generation. Everything takes time, will, and determination no question about it. There must be steps, which will make everything work properly. A plan is needed; there is also the need of money, people willing to fight for the cause and tons of hours spent among those who sacrifice their time for the appointed goal. That’s why the research is needed. We have to find out what are the statistics, possible reasons of the problem, and how big the problem is we are trying to solve. Basically we need to know how much we need to offer, how much we can offer and finally to whom this help is offering. Nothing more nothing less, whether these are youth or not the success is needed.

            There are so many “whys” in my research question. As background to anything we are going to focus on, we need to answer tons of questions that unfortunately may seem confusing, difficult, time-consuming, but unavoidable in getting to the climax of the issue. For the research I am preparing, try to understand that a lot need to be done. However the insightful questions of the problem are the key. I need to know what am I dealing with and most importantly, how to answer the questions that will help me in solving the problem. For example, we know that there is inequality in our neighborhoods; we realize the difference in Boston’s neighborhoods and face those facts without a glance on our faces. What we don’t think of or have any idea about is the reason, the question of why this is happening. Are they the structural conditions of overcrowding and poverty in the neighborhoods, bad school systems, busy parents working double shifts to make the payments and having no time for the children, or maybe the juvenile court and the whole system in punishing people working improperly? As we see so many questions need to be answered in order to understand why our communities in too many areas make us feel unsafe.

            A big brainstorm was going through my head at the beginning, when I tried to understand the problem, and come up with some hypotheses. I was expecting impossible thing to myself, something that is incredible for a person like me who had never experienced such research. Many times, whenever we are doing any kind of research, we are expecting something that will gather in our minds and make the slogan “impossible is nothing” becoming true. The same situation occurred in my case; I am expecting something incredibly important in this research because whether I believe it or not, there are particular problems that we all are the part of.

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