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My name is Sebastian Witkowski and I came from Poland to the U.S. about three years ago. My parents and I are immigrants, which give us some different experiences from people born in US. However I am not that different from people living and born in the U.S. Just like every person in the world, I have my struggles, goals, and dreams that face me everyday.

Life for a person like me, living in a foreign land, is challenging, tough, and full of obstacles that every single one of us immigrants has had to overcome. However, this doesn’t stop me from having my dreams of simply becoming somebody that I’ll be proud of and will know that nothing has been wasted during my life. I plan to go to college, finish my education and get the degree. To make this goal, and my plan happen, I need to persevere. Whenever an obstacle comes my way, I try to take it apart, roll it away, move it, demolish it, blow it up, and finally move on to continue the “adventure.” I feel like that’s enough from me about myself, I don’t have much more to say.

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