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Over the school year we focused on case studies about women in Lowell Mills, the Busing in Boston, and the streets of Dudley and how they were a mess. The unit consists of three case studies: Lowell Mills, Busing in Boston, DSNI. The Lowell Mills is all about how the women were treated unfairly and not treated equally, men always came first. Busing in Boston talks about how the white students didn’t even want to walk into school with the black students, and how they didn’t agree with the segregation. The DSNI case study is all about how the streets of Dudley got so dirty and how the empty lots were just waste lands for toxic waste. Each of the three case studies has all had similar social forces, and they have all had similar qualities. These case studies all have government and social & cultural values, and in each case study, the youth were trying to make a strong response to the unfair treatment they were getting. And the main point that they were trying to get across was that they wanted power, and they wanted to be heard.   

I never understood why men always got the most attention back in the 1830’s when it came down to the Lowell Mills. Women did all the work and didn’t even have a chance to get the education that they deserved, and it’s not fair, they should have been treated equally. And the biggest problem that they had was that the men got everything that they worked hard to get. The women work hours out of the day and the money they make goes to the men’s education.   

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