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I plan to research about which education is more effective, streets education or school education, and which education do people resort to first. I want people to understand what it means when you say street education, because there is such a thing as a street education. And of course there’s a school education. I want people to understand what the problem is and why people would rather get educated from the streets. I want people to know exactly why people resort to one of the two.

            It’s important because parents should know why their kids are dropping out of high school and resorting to the education the streets can give them that the schools couldn’t, or what the schools are doing right to keep their kids from the streets and into the books.  People need to realize that education is key, and it’s even more important where you get it from. You should be getting your education from school. Yes the streets can give you some type of education, but the streets will never be able to give you the education school can, and that’s fact. And it’s important for people to know which education is for one more effective, and two more resourceful, because when you establish what education is more important then it comes with resources. 

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