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 My name is Shanika Mitchell I’m a high school senior at Boston Community Leadership Academy, and I’m eighteen years old. I was born in Boston, MA but was raised in Peabody, MA. When I first moved from Peabody back to Boston, I didn’t know anybody. I was at a new school and I felt a little nervous. I really didn’t want to go to the school I ended up in but oh well, after a while, the school got shut down and I ended up at BCLA. Once again I was a new student at a new school, and I didn’t know anybody, I was a little nervous again but I got through the school year okay. When I first came to BCLA, I knew people because for one, I had friends from the school that closed that were also here but I had also had family, but the first person to help me with everything in this school was Wendy Nunez. She’s the only person I can tell anything to, and I love her for that too. I have a great personality, and I’m real easy to get along with, I have a lot of friends and I’m real close to mostly all of the administrators’ at the school.  I have four best friends that I consider my sisters.
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