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A capacity for leadership

In taking on the role for leadership, I have demonstrated extreme evidence of growth. i have learned how to pace myself, along with learning how to be dedicated to the work I have to do. It is extremely important for me to be recognized as a leader, because the effort I have put into the work that I have done, like my PAR paper, because it took a leader to care enough about the issue I wrote about, to even care about a solution to the problem. I also use this as an example, because it's an example of a time where I could have given up when the work was too hard, but instead I kept researching, highlighting, and typing, until I finished off my paper. This paper also allowed me to think of a way to make changes among my community. After doing all of the research the topic of health became particularly important to me, because I started to realize how little I know, and how it was affecting not only myself, but the whole youth of Boston. The next piece of writing that demonstrates my leadership role would have to be my winter break essay, because it allowed me to focus on youth, and why activism is important. It allowed me to understand why making a difference is important, and the reasons for choosing to make a difference. That essay also helped me to better understand where I stood in my community, school, and even family, and allowed me to focus on what I could do to become an activist.

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