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Section VIII: Conclusions and Recommendations

Through my Senior Capstone experience, I have concluded that students are moderately aware of the differences between urban public, suburban public and private schools. Moreover, since the students at these three types of schools are aware, the majority seek to make a change for educational equity. From my research, I was able to presume that the students of these three types of schools were aware of the disparity within the education system, however when questioned further they were unable to identify concrete examples of the difference. Once students were presented with evidence of the difference, they immediately showed their desire to make a change.


We were required to create and collect different types of data and also be able to analyze it. The type data ranged from interviews, all the way to GIS maps. Although all the data was valuable, one type that was extremely helpful was my surveys. With the data from my survey, I was able to conclude that from a pool of 30 people, 76.7% believed that the change between the schools can be fixable and from that same group, 93.3% believed that they should be a part of the change. From this data, I believe that students actually do want to see a change towards educational equity and, also that they are willing to be youth leaders. 

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