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 Section I-Personal Statement


      My name is Chantel James. I was born October 26, 1988 and grew up in Boston, Massachusetts. I have one brother (13). I am over energetic, usually smiling and I hate mornings, they feel like death. I hate dogs, clowns, and kids. I love sleeping, eating, and talking…to myself. I want to expose that there is a difference between school districts and types of schools. As a student in the Boston Public Schools, I have been faced with many obstacles that have had the power to shatter my future. However, obstacles with this power have enabled me to grow as a student and as an adult in many ways. When I look back to myself as a freshman, I wasn’t able to take someone correcting my writing. I actually would get very upset. I am now able to take direct criticism towards my work without being extremely hurt. Moreover, I’ve learned that criticism helps me grow in my writing. One main way that obstacles have enabled me to grow is by me taking my education seriously. If I do not take it seriously, no one will. I’ve also concluded that even though I do not have an abundance of resources, it is my responsibility to use all the resources that I am given to the fullest and to remember that an education has the same amount of power, no matter where you go and it is up to me to treat it that way. The reason why I said that being a BPS student, I’m faced with many obstacles is  because automatically when I say that I’m a BPS student, I’m labeled as inferior and people begin to look down on me, even other kids
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