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Martine was a student who struggled academically initially, but really emerged into confidence as the year progressed, particularly when she chose her oral history and PAR topic around the issues of youth and community violence.  Her interest and ability in technology, in particular, resulted in a powerful mix of audio content and video images. 


PAR Essential question:


What are the factors that cause youth to turn to violence? And what have different cities done to bring down their homicide rates?


Notable quote:

“It’s important to study the factors that cause youth to turn to violence because the summer season is coming up.  Most of the homicides committed occurred during warm months between May and September.  A lot of the homicides also occur on weekend nights especially Saturday nights.  If we can pin point why kids turn to violence or how they are able to gain access to fire arms it will most likely lower our crime rates tremendously.  Open neighborhood recreations on weekend nights to draw communities together during the summer to put an end to the homicides.  Peace block parties or peace barbecues or town peace fairs to draw the communities together.  Because when the community stays inside to stay away from the violence it draws the violence even closer and makes more homicides.”

Link to Martine's Digital portfolio: http://bcla.digication.com/.../Home

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